Sir Francis Bacon, Freemason?
According to Thomas Jefferson, Sir Francis Bacon was “one of the three most influential people on the planet.” A suspected Freemason and member of various secret societies, Bacon is regarded by some researchers to be the “real founding father of America.”
Bacon was a keen researcher of esoteric knowledge, and it was his vision to create a “new Atlantis” and “Utopia” in the Americas. Although Bacon was prominent in British politics, he would send his son to America to be his “eyes and ears” in the new land.
“Age appears best in four things: old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.”
― Francis Bacon
“Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.”
― Francis Bacon, The Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon
“A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion”
― Francis Bacon
No proof of either Thomas Jefferson or Sir Francis Bacon’s Freemasonic initiations has ever been found. Both have been associated with Freemasonry by their writings and their contemporaries in the eyes of public opinion.
John Paul Jones (US Navy)
Founder of the American Navy and was a famous sea fighter, born in Scotland. He was born on July 6, 1747. Admiral John Paul Jones was the first officer commissioned in the American Navy. He was the first to command a war vessel. He was the first to run up the American flag over a war vessel, the Alfred, in 1775.The first and only naval officer named in the Act of Congress for creating the new flag, the Stars and Stripes. The first to propose and receive a salute to the Stars and Stripes from a foreign nation, France; the first to make a British “man’ o’ war” strike its colors and surrender to the Stars and Stripes, and the first naval officer to receive a note of thanks from Congress. John Paul Jones received his E.A. Degree in ST. Bernard’s Kilwinning Lodge No. 122, Kirkcudbright, St. Mary’s Island, Scotland on November 17, 1770.
Does Freemasonry make good men better? By Coach Nagy
The use of this statement misleads pre-masons in that it is in no way supported by the organization or its members and leaves unfulfilled those seeking the improvements it implies. As a result, pre-masons join expecting things that will never be provided. This lack of support by both the organization and its members ultimately makes this statement destructive and counterproductive.
POINT: Neither the organization nor its members will make any person who joins better. It is only members applying themselves toward the Work that is pointed toward by our Ritual that improves those members and in direct proportion to the effort they make.
NOTE: We are obligated to our members to instruct them on what Work makes them better, and that just being a member will not do this unless they actually do that work.