Religion and Politics are Proscribed from Open Lodge, not because they themselves cause Disruptions and Disharmony but because too few Brothers have Mastered Civil Discourse – one of the very core goals of the Trivium.
Religion and Politics are Proscribed from Open Lodge, not because they themselves cause Disruptions and Disharmony but because too few Brothers have Mastered Civil Discourse – one of the very core goals of the Trivium.

Religion and Politics are Proscribed from Open Lodge, not because they themselves cause Disruptions and Disharmony but because too few Brothers have Mastered Civil Discourse – one of the very core goals of the Trivium.

Masterful Brothers have no difficulty whatsoever Respectfully Discussing Religion and Politics, even when faced with the Ignorant Disrespect of others.

On the other hand, Brothers who wear titles and who have not done the work to earn them are one of the central reasons such Proscriptions exist.

John S. Nagy, Masonic Author, and Coach

When I became a Mason in 1990 while serving as a Navy Recruiter in Iowa the rule was politics and religion were not discussed in lodge, not just a Tyled lodge but when you physically entered the building. You took off your public hat (or Navy Dixie Cup) and placed your “masonic” hat on as you entered the building. Why? If we have become “masters” as the coach alludes to in the quote shown we should have no problems discussing any topics with other so-called masters, right? 

How strong is your masonic foundation? I’m not talking about your relationship with Jesus, which is personal and not within the framework of Masonry. I’m talking about the masonic directions found in the 3 degrees for your temple building, your character improvement analogized as a temple. Have you mastered the 7 liberal arts and sciences? Have you ever tried?

Do you wear a masonic ring often? Do you have a masonic license plate on a vehicle you drive? How about a masonic sticker or emblem? Are you proud to be a mason? I hope so, I sure am. I also have several indicators that I am a Mason in my home. I hope you do as well. Masonry is worthy of more than just lip service.

Character building is one of the main goals of our fraternity. We claim to, “Make good men better”. Great slogan, but what does it mean? Does going to a lodge meeting improve your character? Does ritual memory work and acting in one of the degrees provide such improvement? Perhaps the so-called higher degrees provide for character improvement via attendance. If not, what does?

Well, according to several masonic authors and particularly Coach Nagy, the “work” is what we are avoiding or not completing if we can’t claim to have the level of maturity to hold a conversation on religion or politics and present a calm manner while moving from topic to topic with aplomb towards a logical conclusion, my interpretation of the many masonic author’s statements. So where does the “Work” begin? Start with the 7 liberal arts and sciences.

We should after studying the first three arts (the trivium) suggested in the 2nd degree lecture be able to hold ourselves to any conversation with calm resolve, reasoned evidence, and detailed presentation leading to a logical analysis and if done well, an agreed upon result. This is what is expected of a “master”. Does this describe you? It is a very high bar, one which is most certainly Mason-worthy!

To check yourself on the 7 liberal arts and sciences worthiness, consider the following possibilities. Does your car show your politics in hateful ways? How about religion? Slogans such as “Own the Libs” “Lock her up” or “Let’s go Brandon” are examples of political drama slogans promoting hate and divisiveness. Do you really feel these are in line with Masonic harmony? I hope not.

In 2022 I tried to visit as many lodges in Florida Masonic Districts 6 and 7 as I could. I went to Grand Lodge as a proxy voter for my lodge for the first time in my 32 years as a Mason. Everywhere I went, politics was front and center as a topic of conversation and controversy, sometimes while Tyled. Harmony be damned it seemed. Perhaps we need to return to our character building and let the politics reside outside the lodge building where it belongs.

We can all complete the “Work” and improve our Masonic Temple! May harmony prevail in all our interactions and efforts with Masons and mankind.

Paul R. Swanson, 32°   December 2022

If you have read this far then here are a few potential aids in engaging your visions for character improvement. They are just guides, the “Work” is internal and can’t be simply pressing an “I Believe Button” while avoiding the effort and thinking involved. This is not faith and has everything to do with work. The path involves the use of the masonic tools listed in the 3 degrees in the Blue Lodge. The lectures are your guide, but other help is available if you prefer.

Here is a short list.

John S Nagy (on YouTube)                  789 followers

What is a Mason                                   22.5K followers

Refracted Light                                    848 followers

Masonic Traveler                                  6.32K followers

Whence Came You                              5.95K followers

My Freemasonry                                  1.3K followers

Masonic Roundtable                             15.7K followers

Freemasonry Squared                           4.57K followers for more information from Coach Nagy

In addition to these, the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction puts out regular podcasts that tackle topics relative to masonic interests and character building. They are available both in the official magazine and online.

There are many aids and prompts for this topic of character building if you find yourself wanting to improve your Temple. You have to find a starting point, which was in the 3 degrees of the Blue Lodge where you were raised, and just start building!

Enjoy the journey brothers.

Paul R. Swanson, 32° December 2022